Use Classic Mini Oil 20w50 when the engine and gearbox share the same oil as the original Mini. Also use this engine oil when the gearbox indicates that an engine oil should be used. This product is also suitable for a number of classic motorcycles. Preferably with engines without roller bearings and a clutch that uses engine oil.
The engine oil offers improved protection for engine and gearbox compared to the normal 20w50 engine oil.
The life span of gears, plain bearings and needle roller bearings is extended by this mini oil.
The quality of shifting when in use improves.
This mini oil improves the life of gearboxes.
SAE Viscosity: 20w50
Density (at 15 °C): 0.890
Kinematic Viscosity (at 100 °C, cSt): 16.7
Kinematic Viscosity (at 40 °C, cSt): 147
Viscosity index: 122
Point of flow (°C): <-15
Flash point (°C): >200
Cold start viscosity (cP): 9,500
Please note that metal cans are prone to dents during transport. Even though these products are packed carefully by our team, there is no guarantee for the cans not to be dented in transport once they have been dispatched by us.