Satin black high temperature resistant paint for cast iron cylinders and exhausts:
Restom® PHT 2020 has been developped specifically for decorating and protecting cast iron cylinders and air cooled cylinderheads. After baking, Restom® PHT 2020 is completely insensitive to water and fuels, which is rather exceptionnal for high temperature resistant paints in spray can.
Apply Restom® PHT 2020 paint directly with a brush onto the parts to be treated. After drying several days, the paint should be baked in an electrical oven, following the detailed progressive baking scheme which is mentioned in the manual of this product.
Restom® PHT 2020 is resistant to temperatures till 550°C permanent, but is not recommended for exhaust collectors and their tubes (cfr. Restom® PCE 4070).
Packaging : 125 ml, sufficient for +/- 3 to 4 motocylinders of 125-250 cc or a 2-cylinder of 750 cc.